
<The magic of the white snake>(34-8)

2017-07-24 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版


On the eve of the day that Xian looked into the eyes  of his belowed Suzhen,both vowed to each other to share life,fate,and love for eternity. (永世)

They all-consuming  power of their emotions was stronger than any social convention of restriction(束缚).

Nonetheless,it was not easy for Xu Xian to disclose(透露) his final decision to his parents.

At first,they were deeply indignant(愤慨的) and  angry at not having a chance to influence the outcome of such a major  decision.

But upon  seeing the beautiful and endearing white lady for the first time,they  were quite overcome and immediately took her to their hearts.

For Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian,they were years filled  with happiness and true love.

It was Suzhen’s idea to open a pharmacy for traditional Chinese medicine (中药铺)quite close to the West Lake.

Her love of mankind and comassion for the poor,sick  and weak was the reason for her preoccupation(专注) with traditional medical knowledge.

Due to her magjical skills as immortal goddess and her rapidly increasing  medical knowledge,it didn’t take long for her medicines and cures to become  well known and famous throughout the country.

Many people travelled from afar because they heard  about the miraculous effects of the medicians of the Hangzhou pharmacy.

In spite of low prices,the poor even received all  their medciation free of cost,Suzhen and Xian soon came to remarkable prosperity(富裕).

Suzhen’s best friend Xiao Qing,the green lady,had  bought herself a little loft in the same neighborhood as the pharmacy,close to the lake.

She loved to sit together with Suzhen and Xian in  the evening having tea,sometimes talking and laughing or even sharing quiet  and reflective moments.

Suzhen was very glad and appreciative that Xiao  Qing,energetically helping whereever  she could,was so supportive.

Especially since her business had meanwhile become  so famous,she and Xian would not have been able to do all the work by  themselves.

As Xiao Qing also had magical power at her  command,she was an exceptionally assistant and confidante  for Suzhen with whom she regularly exchaged ideas on the making and mixing of  medicines.

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